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Retail Manager/ Director

Job Details

Location: Japan
Salary: Negotiable
Job Type: Permanent
Reference: MBBH34787_1739182767
No consultant assigned to this job.

Retail Manager / Director


We are looking for an experienced Retail Manager/Director to lead operations for a well-known international chocolate brand in Tokyo.

This role involves shaping retail strategies for a respected brand and leading a talented team. If you have a strong background in retail management within the food & beverage sector, we invite you to apply.



Key Responsibilities

• Oversee daily retail operations at multiple locations, ensuring top-notch customer service.

o 複数の店舗の運営を統括し、最高水準の顧客サービスを提供する。

• Create and implement sales strategies to boost revenue and meet business goals.

o 売上向上とビジネス目標達成のための販売戦略の策定・実行。

• Lead and mentor retail staff to provide excellent customer experiences.

o リテールスタッフの指導・育成を行い、優れた顧客体験を提供する。

• Use sales data and market trends to improve product offerings and profitability.

o 売上データや市場動向を分析し、商品の提供と収益性を向上させる。

• Work with marketing teams to run promotional campaigns and increase brand visibility.

o マーケティングチームと連携し、プロモーションキャンペーンを実施し、ブランド認知度を向上させる。

• Build strong relationships with department stores and retail partners to enhance brand presence.

o 百貨店やリテールパートナーとの強固な関係を構築し、ブランドのプレゼンスを高める。

• Ensure compliance with company policies and industry standards.

o 企業ポリシーおよび業界基準を遵守する。


• Experience in retail management within the food and beverage industry.

o 食品・飲料業界でのリテールマネジメントの経験。

• Ability to lead and inspire a team to meet sales targets.

o チームをリードし、売上目標を達成する能力。

• Strong skills in analyzing sales data.

o 売上データの分析能力。

• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

o 優れたコミュニケーション能力と対人スキル。

• Ability to work well in a fast-paced environment.

o スピード感のある環境での業務遂行能力。

• Passion for luxury brands and high-quality products.

o ラグジュアリーブランドや高品質な製品への情熱。


If this position is not ideal for you, but you are looking for a new opportunity,please contact us to discuss your options.

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